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As we enthusiastically launch the 2024 United Catholic Appeal (UCA), it is with deep gratitude and a joyful heart that I thank you for your unselfish generosity. Your financial support for the pastoral, charitable and diocesan ministries of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is a bold example of how we are United in the Eucharist. Through the stewarding and sharing of your treasure, you are magnifying the impact we can have in central and southern Indiana, and beyond.


In a time of many challenges and difficulties, the call to help bring the people of our archdiocese closer to Jesus Christ through our many ministries and programs grows louder every day. And to answer that call, we need your support.  Our goal for the 2024 United Catholic Appeal is $6.3 million. The needs for each of the ministries mentioned in this case statement are what make up our goal amount each year. We are fortunate that 100% of gifts to the United Catholic Appeal go straight to ministry. Whether you give $5 a month or $500 a month, your gift will make a lasting impact on someone’s life. 


Thank you again for your generosity and support. Without donors like you, so many would not have the ability to know, love, and serve the Lord. May the grace of God make us truly one in Him, United in the Eucharist.

With assurance of my prayers and best wishes for you, I remain


Sincerely yours in Christ,


Archbishop, Archdiocese of Indianapolis


Archbishop Charles Thompson.png

Almighty Father, through your Son, Jesus Christ,
you send us forth to love as you have loved us.


United in the Eucharist, grant us generous and faithful hearts,
as we love our neighbor, as we clothe the poor,
as we feed the hungry, as we care for the sick,
as we speak your Word to others, as we share your blessings.


Be our joy, strength, and guide,
that we may become one Body, one Spirit in Christ,
to the praise of your glory.





The United Catholic Appeal embodies the spirit of generosity and unity within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. With a rich history of faith, compassion, and community, this appeal aims to support and strengthen the vital ministries and initiatives that touch the lives of countless individuals across central and southern Indiana.


The United Catholic Appeal stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring the faithful to come together in solidarity to fund critical programs, educational efforts, and charitable endeavors. By participating in this extraordinary appeal, we can empower our local Catholic community to make a lasting impact - fostering spiritual growth, social outreach, and spreading God’s love - throughout our archdiocese.


Join us as we embrace this opportunity to build a stronger, more vibrant Catholic family, serving and uplifting one another in faith and fellowship. To learn more about what the United Catholic Appeal is and how it works, please take a moment to journey with us through video stories that are sure to leave you inspired.

  • What does the UCA support?
    Each year the United Catholic Appeal raises vital funds to support the ministries of the Archdiocese. These funds help us to spread discipleship, formation, and community to those we serve across central and southern Indiana. A good way to think about the supported ministries is by using the labels of Teaching, Shepherding, and Serving. Under teaching, the UCA supports ministries such as seminarian education, vocations, Catholic Schools, Catechesis, and the care and support of our retired priests. Under Shepherding, numerous ministries are directly supported including Youth Ministry, Intercultural Ministry, Marriage Preparation, Project Rachel, and many more. And under Serving, the UCA directly supports all our Catholic Charities spread throughout the Archdiocese, as well as supporting the Mother Theodore Catholic Academies, our archdiocesan center-city schools. Since teaching, shepherding and serving are all intertwined, some ministries could fit under multiple headers. But in the end, it is about the archdiocesan infrastructure existing so that the Church can SERVE. It is about being available, to meet the needs of pastors, parishioners and everyone who can be touched by our faith. For more on the specific ministries and programs served by the UCA, visit the WHO WE SUPPORT tab at the top of this page.
  • How does the UCA differ from my weekly tithing?
    Tithing is an expression of personal devotion, of an honest and loving relationship with God and a permanent covenant with the Church. Tithing is truly a reminder to put God first in your life (Deuteronomyu 14:23). Tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything we have. It is also God’s personal invitation to an outpouring of His blessings in your life. Tithing is necessary for your parish to flourish. Please support your local parish as it is where you celebrate Mass and participate in the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life. But also consider supporting the United Catholic Appeal since it helps all parishes in our diocese do what no one parish can do alone. It is a great sharing of our love for Jesus and our love for one another.
  • What is intention Weekend?
    Intention Weekend is the kick-off weekend for the United Catholic Appeal. During this weekend you will hear from your pastor or possibly a lay witness speaker who will share with you why supporting the appeal is important. It is a reminder of the ministries that are supported, such as caring for our retired priests, supporting our seminarians in minor and major seminary, supporting our homeless families, providing for women and children who are fleeing a domestic situation. It allows us to feed those who are hungry, counsel those who are struggling in their marriages, provide mental health services at a significantly reduced cost and in some cases, at no cost, and to conduct prison ministry and addiction ministry to truly meet people where they are. This is a weekend to commit to helping our brothers and sisters who are in need in many different ways.
  • What are the ways that I can give?
    Visit the tab WAYS TO GIVE at the top of this page. To make your pledge electronically, click the DONATE button at the top of this page. If you’ve received a physical pledge card, you can mail it to the address listed or bring it with you on Intention Weekend and drop it in the collection plate. You can also explore more ways to give including through stock, an IRA, or a donor-advised fund by visiting You can also become a member of one of our sustaining donor programs to commit your support on an ongoing basis.
  • How can I pray for the success of the United Catholic Appeal?
    Almighty Father, through your Son, Jesus Christ, you send us forth to love as you have loved us. United in the Eucharist, grant us generous and faithful hearts, as we love our neighbor, as we clothe the poor, as we feed the hungry, as we care for the sick, as we speak your Word to others, as we share your blessings. Be our joy, strength, and guide, that we may become one Body, one Spirit in Christ, to the praise of your glory. Amen
  • How long does the appeal last?
    The United Catholic Appeal begins with Intention Weekend on November 9-10, 2024, and new gifts to the appeal are accepted until June 30, 2025. If you made a pledge on Intention Weekend, you will receive your first reminder in the mail to begin your payments in January, and you will have until December 31, 2025 to pay off your pledge. If you make a gift in April 2025, your pledge will be prorated and will be split evenly between April and December, 2025.
  • Is there a due date to pay off my pledge?
    You will have until December 31, 2025 to pay off your UCA 2025 pledge.
  • What ministries does the United Catholic Appeal support?
    To see a list of ministries supported by the United Catholic Appeal, please visit
  • When will I receive my tax statement?
    Your tax statement for gifts made to the 2024 United Catholic Appeal will be mailed to your home by January 31, 2025. Gifts made in 2025 will be received by January 31, 2026.
  • How do I update my payment details, or increase my monthly gift amount?
    To update your payment information or to increase your monthly gift amount, contact Olivia at 317-236-1425, or at
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